Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Make love not war

"Its just the Stanley Cup babe, its not that serious"

Nuff respect to Alex for finding this image, powerful.

You'd think that people in love have a responsibility during a riot. See I'm a dreamer so I'd imagine that when a peaceful protest gets out of control - don't get me wrong that's not what this was, I got True TV and I seen them hockey fans turn over cars and destroy streets brrrr! - people should turn up the peace tho eh. imagine full on make out sessions just breaking out in the streets to quell the unrest. I could see single people tryna smash windows to loot and tripping over lovers rolling on the pavement. they could get sudden pangs of loneliness, put down the TV and try to hook up with someone to get down on the floor like when your in the club and your favourite dance song comes on. Riot police could hose everyone down and hand out rum spiked bag juice like carnival. I bet those big trucks have great stereo systems. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't belittle good causes for social unrest, or the dangers and damage that can ensue either way. But you have something called riot/crowd behaviour which has often nothing to do with the initial cause, just what happens in large groups of people. All I'm saying is some anti riot behaviour in a crowd would be great. Hug it out man. Make love not war...hmmm... I'm getting flashes of the last scene of the movie Perfume.

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